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Consulting in a Box

SAP Housekeeping – taking perfect care of your SAP system

Regular and thorough system clean-ups are one of the basic tasks of SAP administrators. Our consultants will show you how to avoid housekeeping mistakes and where and how to start housekeeping.

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SAP Housekeeping

At first glance, many systems based on SAP ABAP run well and without any problems. However, with increasing usage time, potential threats accumulate in the system that can impair performance and, in the worst case, even lead to complete failure. This is why regular and thorough system clean-ups are one of the basic tasks of SAP administrators. A structured approach and consistent implementation are necessary prerequisites for successful housekeeping.

This "Consulting in a Box" offer supports you in identifying threats to your SAP system and shows you how to avoid housekeeping mistakes. Experienced SAP Technology Consultants show you where and how to start housekeeping among the multitude of recommended steps. They show you how to read and properly implement the recommendations and the sometimes very complex SAP notes with lots of cross-references.

Your benefits

  • Increased availability - improve the performance of your SAP systems and reduce the risk of failure.
  • Transparency - you know and monitor the status of your SAP systems
  • Understanding – you understand the correct procedure and can implement complex SAP notes.
  • Prioritising – prioritised recommendations allow you to better assess the importance of the measures.
  • Preparation – housekeeping optimally prepares your systems for an SAP S/4HANA migration.


  • Joint analysis of the current SAP system landscape

  • Development of housekeeping recommendations

  • Implementing the housekeeping measures

  • Presentation and discussion of the results

Information about the CBS "SAP Housekeeping"

Our services

  • You receive an evaluation of your system based on a percentage scale.
  • We’ll show you how to
    • recognise strongly growing base tables with critical growth.
    • implement SAP recommendations (housekeeping jobs) optimally.
    • identify SAP users and authorisations (large SAP roles).
    • clean up obsolete SAP and database parameters.
    • understand and be able to use SAP Memory Management.
    • compress databases.
    • use the DBA Cockpit for housekeeping.
    • determine unused database Z-indices.
    • check the configuration of your operating system and your virtual machines (VMware).
    • use combined start/instance profiles, new start/stop tools (sapcontrol), SAP Diagnostic and SAP Host Agent for administration.
    • identify expired certificates.


  • We get you ready for independent and professional housekeeping for SAP ABAP-based systems.
  • You receive detailed information on the professional approach to SAP Housekeeping.
  • You know how to examine your SAP ABAP system for vulnerabilities in terms of parameterisation, data growth, misconfigurations, etc.
  • You understand error analyses and know and work with current monitoring tools.
  • You can understand and implement recommendations from complex SAP notes.
  • Housekeeping optimally prepares your systems for an SAP S/4HANA migration.

Book Consulting in a Box