SAP S/4HANA Test-Conversion icon

Consulting in a Box

SAP S/4HANA test conversion

With this consulting offer, we provide you with the opportunity to carry out an SAP S/4HANA conversion of one of your systems to the chosen SAP S/4HANA release.

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SAP S/4HANA test conversion

Is your company planning to switch to SAP S/4HANA on-premises? Would you like to prepare for the SAP S/4HANA conversion at an early stage? You have too few IT staff members or not enough expertise in the area of SAP HANA and Linux to carry out the SAP S/4HANA conversion yourself? Then our "Consulting in a Box" offer is perfect for you. In this box, we offer you an SAP S/4HANA conversion of one of your systems (preferably your QAS system with the most up-to-date data possible from a PRD back copy) to the chosen SAP S/4HANA release.

The SAP S/4HANA sandbox conversion enables you to clarify the following questions at an early stage:

  • How long are the SUM conversion (upgrade) terms?
  • How long is the SUM (upgrade) downtime?
  • What “show stoppers” occur during the upgrade?
  • Which customer-specific Z programmes are still functional in SAP S/4HANA?
  • Testing the SAP S/4HANA backup and recovery scenarios
  • Testing the SAP S/4HANA high availability scenarios

Your benefits

  • Individual - you receive an SAP S/4HANA system with YOUR data and the desired release level.
  • Experience - you learn about the innovations of SAP S/4HANA at an early stage and can test various scenarios.
  • Flexible – it is possible to delete the system, restart it or restore it from a backup.
  • First class – you receive excellent advice from experienced and certified experts.


  • Analysis of the current situation

  • Decision on the variant of implementation

  • Documentation of all the steps

  • Advice in case of errors / “show stoppers”

Information about the SAP S/4HANA test conversion

Our services

  • Perform a SAP S/4HANA conversion with SUM or SUM/DMO
  • Documentation of the steps taken
  • Advice and support when errors occur or inconsistencies are corrected

Managed services

  • Optional extra: We take over the operation of the SAP S/4HANA test system for the duration of the test project after the conversion (upgrade).

Book Consulting in a Box


Option 1: Conversion with SUM

If your SAP ERP system is already running on SAP HANA:

  • either provide us with a test system with SAP HANA as a current reverse copy of your PRD system or
  • we create the test system as a copy from the QAS or PRD
  • We also carry out the SAP S/4HANA conversion with SUM on the test system and document all steps

Option 2: Conversion with SUM/DMO

If your SAP ERP system is still running on anyDB and/or your SAP ERP Business Suite system is still running on EHP6 or lower, we will start the SAP S/4HANA conversion on your QAS with SUM/DMO, migrating to the SAP S/4HANA test system in one go and will document each step. The QAS source system won’t be changed during the SUM/DMO procedure and can continue to operate as usual afterwards.